In 2010, I moved to Milan. I had already been to Italy several times but always as a tourist or within my family. During one year, I stayed with Erasmus people and observed the Italians from the outside. When I finished school, I started hanging out with Italians and even moved in with one. I suddenly discover another world… I changed from the icy girl that could not stand “the Italian noisy/maccho behaviour” to the girl actually enjoying everyday their "bizarreries". I decided that I should share my experience with non Italians.

This is how it starts….

NB: I would like to mention that even if sometimes I’m a bit sharp and sarcastic, it’s more a way of emphasizing how I ve been surprised by the difference of culture. Being not Italian, you will probably always be in a cultural learning process; but the only thing that I know, now that I'm back to France, each time I hear some Italians speaking, I think it's like singing and that they're performing a show, the show of living, which makes me immediately smile...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PEOPLE: the italian male (metrosexual or... freak ?)

I think most of foreigner girls will tell you, at first glance, Italians are physically attractive. One of the first reasons that pos into my mind is that they are simply not scared of following fashion or wearing something different. I remember my French friend when she arrived, she was keep telling me, shit they re all gay, well I can tell you, it’s not because they dress well or care about themselves they re ALL gay. Italy is not France. In Italy, I already noticed a man checking the fabrics of the collar of another guy without being scared of being considered gay. Whereas, the other day, my bro told me that when he arrived at work with a pink polo, he works in a french construction company, they all made fun of him. France is a bit boring for that, it’s like if for a man wearing something too special was a risk of getting noticed whereas you should not. Like if, only the gays had the guts to do it...
In brief, for a French girl, Italy is not only a shoes paradise, it's also a men paradise... 
Just do the experience : take someone, quite common, make him wear nice clothes, expensive sunglasses, spend some hours in palestra to be gonfiato (work out), give him the confidence of the Italian male, and he will turn into an attractive man even if I admit it’ s completely artificial. 
I bet the challenge for Italians, stands only in the proportion: what makes a metrosexual Italian turn into a freak; cause at the end there is a real risk of having more freaks than chics… When the guy reaches the threshold of having the legs shaved, being orange cause of the tanning lotion, and having his eyebrows done better than a girl, stupidity pops into your mind… If you add the fact most of them are small and walk showing off their pecs... then watching them becomes a pleasure of everyday and a joke to tell to your French friends when you’re going back home.
Like the other day, I went to Mc Donalds. A guy arrived, business man look, but really young. He arrived, and started standing just 10 cm behind me, cause, it’s a fact, Italians don’t know anything about PROXEMICS RULES, the closest you are, the best is it !!! Well guy, you need to understand that us, foreigner girls, we would prefer if we don’t feel your dick on our butt, so please step back. Anyway, so basically that guy, was keep looking for my eyes, but he was such a joke that I was not  even daring giving him a look back. Well he was so craving for an eye contact that he was starting to be hyper,  the most hilarious thing being, he was constantly stretching his arm in a Tourette disease manner so he could have his sleeves going up leaving me the possibility to admire his "bling" golden watch. At one point, I could not do anything else than laugh at his face, the situation was completely ridiculous…

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