The other day, while I was under the rain, walking in the streets, I noticed several dogs wearing jackets and I thought “ahh right it’s winter, I had forgot… dogs wear clothes in Italy during winter.”
Actually, when I arrived in Italy, it’s been one of the first things that stroke me: the Italian dog icon.
I may be wrong but I have the feeling that Italians have a special relationship with their dogs. Dogs are like an extension of themselves, like “cool” accessories. You watch the dog and it gives you an idea of which identity/image the owner wants to give of him. Getting the wrong dog or the wrong dog’s outfit and you gave a wrong idea of you. OK I may exaggerate but I’m sure I’m not that far from reality.
It didn't take me hours analyzing the phenomenon to understand that dogs have either to be small/ cute or need to be in 2, like if, having a pair (like a pair of earings), was a sign of breeding quality race and hence luxury goods.
As I mentioned earlier, they need as well to wear clothes during winter, I think I will never forgot the day I saw a guy with a Montcler jacket and his dog wearing a mini one, awesome.
I saw so many petshops with “nice” outfits, there is a real business there, I mean at the end why fashion should be only for human beings? dogs must be cold as well… Honestly, I don’t know. I hesitate between finding it ridiculous or shameful since a lot of homeless can’t even wear proper clothes during winter.
The other trend I did notice is to have a dog pooh bags stock on the leash, this means you re conscious that its really not nice to have dirty side walks and to slalom between dog poohs.
Still, that does not seem to erase the problem, the first apartment I was living in, was located in an area where all the dogs where just coming to poop. I keep reminding the billboard in front of the school saying: “please this is a kindergarden, have your dog poop somewhere else” but I guess Italians were refusing to read it.
I'd like to mention though, I haven’t been the only one shocked by this behaviour and that tried to understand it. I read an article once, written by a British, he was wondering why Italians are able to have so beautiful interiors (and be maniac with cleaning) but once they’re outside, don’t care about turning the space filthy…